Thursday, September 6, 2007

First Day of School

Kylia started preschool August 28th and couldn’t have been happier. Julia was a little less happy when she realized she had to stay at the babysitter’s by herself while Kylia was at school and Mom was at work. It was definitely hardest on Julia, but we tried to make it fun and sent her with her own Dora backpack with Bunny stuffed in one side pocket, sippy cup in the other and lots of fun snacks packed with her extra diapers and lunch!

Kylia ready to go with her new polka dot dress and Tinkerbell backpack!

Kylia walking Julia into the babysitter’s and Julia showing that she’s a big girl too with her backpack on!

Summer and Friends

So, I’m not very good at this blog thing, but here are a few glimpses from the last month of summer…

Kylia and Abbey Kuehner at her first birthday party that Mom didn’t stay too! Julia wasn’t happy to leave Kylia.

We have had fun getting together with baby Owen and little Olivia Montalto over the summer. On Labor Day our families adventured through Red Oak Nature Center and even found a small cave!
(*on a side note…Those of you who know the importance of Bunny to Julia would understand the anguish we all went through when Kylia suddenly exclaimed, “Julia threw Bunny into the water!” I turned to find Julia’s little hand and foot under the fence of the observation deck over the Fox River. After much anguish, Dad racing downstream, climbing precariously under the observation deck and sadly waving buh-bye to Bunny forever, we loaded up in the car to find Bunny snuggled safely at the bottom of Mom’s backpack. We still haven’t discovered what did get thrown into the river…just as long as it wasn’t beloved Bunny!!!! Bunny has now used 2 of its 9 lives...assuming bunnies get 9 lives too!)

Kylia and Julia with Cadence, Issac and Acacia Hubing.

Their mom and I have been best friends for almost 17 years now I think and it’s always fun when our families can get together! Julia and Acacia are only a couple months apart and we have already brainwashed them that they are “best friends forever.”

Kylia and Issac are also just a few months apart, and we can only hope :-) ...

Julia and her buddy at the babysitter's, Brody Skipworth, now that all their siblings are in school. Their dads are best friends so why shouldn't they be too!